Here we are! This is the First blog!

Here we are! This is the First blog!

Starting a new project is always stressful. When you start a project, you feel like an imposter. Am I good? Am I capable of doing it? A month ago, I didn't think I would create this clothing brand. Now, we are motivated, we walk ahead!

This blog is for you. I am far from the normal frameworks of journalistic writing. Today, since it is the first time we meet, it is important that I do something. I will tell my story. I believe that telling my life story will make an excellent testimony.

My name is Carl-Benji. For a long time, I have been a hustler. I try to do everything to try to succeed in life. Like everyone else, I went to school. Even now, I am taking training courses to get a good update and be active.

I have been cooking professionally for over 17 years. I have been a professional photographer for over 14 years. Between 2019 and 2023, I was the proud owner and editor-in-chief of a magazine on entrepreneurship. I have been a professional actor for over 12 years. And I haven't even mentioned my graphic design and writing skills.

At some point, all these skills had to be put into something.

Boyard's story began during an e-commerce training. It was necessary to kill time. Some were extremely interesting and exciting. On the other hand, others... let's just say kindly that it simply didn't suit me. I didn't feel comfortable working for hours on Excel and dissecting algebra formulas to account for a stock supply.

I am a creator! I created things and managed cases in action. I love sales! I love being in front of the stage! For me, you are the director of the film only if you are in front of the camera, not behind!

I vibrate to create things!

It is with this in mind that I fell into the world of fashion. I needed a business that I could start immediately and that I could do with not a lot of money in my pocket.

Since I was not born into a wealthy family, nor born with a golden spoon in my mouth. Even today, to make this beautiful project live, I work very hard. Almost 10 hours a day!

Yeah, because if you think that being an entrepreneur is by staying in bed watching your favorite anime series, you will get nowhere! I said it well, NOWHERE! Man, you have to get out of your bed or get out of your ball and chain that is stopping you from going to the most of your projects right now.

Me like you, we have dreams and goals in life. There are people you love and appreciate. You want to take care of them, until their old age. You don't want to wake up one morning and look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that this morning is your last day in your apartment. You're going to sleep tonight on the street.

Go for it, go for it, go for it!

In my case, most of what I said happened to me. I lost my apartment and I fell into a big financial loss. That's when you know who your friends are. You're on the street. No one is going to help you. There are only interests. The world is not innocent. You'll see if you live it. You have to change your mindset.

If you got up at 3 in the afternoon, get up at noon. If you got up at noon, get up around 10 in the morning! At the same time, know your body, I'm not one of those who will encourage you to get up at 3am and take cold showers. If you've decided to become an entrepreneur or a person more capable of your means, it's not to follow little gurus. They are super convincing!

Finally, through this blog, we will definitely talk about the clothing brand. We will make you discover others too. We will talk to you about lifestyle, real estate, sports, arts and entertainment.

I want to make a blog that looks like me and that can touch everyone's heart.

Thank you for reading this blog. It will also have videos soon!

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